How To Build A Tiktok Account

Hi My Name is Nathaniel Retz

This is How I Started My Tik Tok Account

Buliding Your TIktok will take time

My first video wasn't the best it was corny and awful but the more I started posting I got better; I started posting just at 15 years old I've been posting for over 3 years, and everyone thinks it's going to be perfect but It's not, just like any other skill you need to practice. So here are some Tips to help you start.

How I started a tiktok account?

Just start posting, so you can get the feeling of posting, your video could come out good or bad, all depends on if you want to know, just by posting one video it will help you get better with you're next one here are some tips on how I started.

How I made my first video.

I started by doing other trends, any trend I saw I did, but later on I stopped, and decided to start creating my own kind of content.

How to build a following.

It's really just simple, There are certain techniques you can use to build up a following, 1. you can start by following people that you know on Tik Tok, 2 follow people you enjoy watching by doing this you can find people with low followers,